Buat SuAmI..

When we first met, I fell in love with you. I knew right then you were the only one for me. As time goes by, our love grows stronger still. You're the most amazing man I ever knew. The place I want to be is close to you. There’s ecstasy and peace in your embrace. I know that I can cope with what life brings as long as I wake up to see your face.Thank you my treasured and cherished love. Your loving and caring have made our marriage a blissful adventure of two! Thanks Love.

together forever til jannah

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

♥SoPhea AdriANNa♥

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

♥sOpHEA aLEESya♥

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
bila tiada yang baik untuk diucapkan.
maka diamlah.
itu lebih baik dari bicara yang sia-sia.

sama seperti berbicara,
bila tiada yang bermanfaat dan berfaedah untuk ditulis dan dikongsikan,
maka diamkanlah jemarimu.
sepi dari catatan.
itu lebih baik daripada menulis perkara yang sia-sia.

Friday, June 26, 2009

tAg FrOm HAJAr GoRgEoUS!!!

tHANks HAJAr dEar FoR taGGiNG akaK eK dEAR..:)

Rules : ~
1. Upload 3 keping pic "candid yang wow~!!" anda.
2. Describe it.
3. Tag rakan2 yang laen..bAPer2 pUn XpER eK yanG??..hehEHeh..x ByK laa GBr CAndiD hajAr...;)

nI Time G weDDiNg MEMbER kaT TaiPInG AriTu..X nYEmpAt2 nAk PAKaI KasUt AdIk saya da Snap piC x sEmeNGgah NIe.:)

Ni NgaH SodaP2 den makAn DoRiaN..sAMpai X sOdar gaMbar deN di Amek Dek maMAraZi..HAHAHa
nI tIME gaTHerINg Ngan scHooLmaTe..;)AftEr 7 yEARs X juMpa

OK DA sIAP dEAR...:)nAk tag SAper plAK eK???..huRmm Nak TAg;

- mISS naDia


-kak AttY

-kak haYATi

-NuRul...HeY iNI aKU.:)







-Alia Ary



  1. thx akak..tp gmbr yg last tu agak confuse...cndid ke pe....huhuhuhu

  2. owh ye ke dear...;)

    ok kite tukar...
    susah tul nak dpt pic candid ni tau..;)

  3. nanti i post tag nie dlm blog i pulak ek.. thanks. ;p

  4. hi..damaiinx datang nak sodeng jer...hehehe


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رَبَّنَا هَبْ لَنَا مِنْ أَزْوَ‌جِنَا وَذُرِّيَّـٰتِنَا قُرَّةَ أَعْيُنٍ وَٱجْعَلْنَا لِلْمُتَّقِينَ إِمَامًا