Buat SuAmI..

When we first met, I fell in love with you. I knew right then you were the only one for me. As time goes by, our love grows stronger still. You're the most amazing man I ever knew. The place I want to be is close to you. There’s ecstasy and peace in your embrace. I know that I can cope with what life brings as long as I wake up to see your face.Thank you my treasured and cherished love. Your loving and caring have made our marriage a blissful adventure of two! Thanks Love.

together forever til jannah

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

♥SoPhea AdriANNa♥

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

♥sOpHEA aLEESya♥

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
bila tiada yang baik untuk diucapkan.
maka diamlah.
itu lebih baik dari bicara yang sia-sia.

sama seperti berbicara,
bila tiada yang bermanfaat dan berfaedah untuk ditulis dan dikongsikan,
maka diamkanlah jemarimu.
sepi dari catatan.
itu lebih baik daripada menulis perkara yang sia-sia.

Friday, October 23, 2009

HAppY 25tH bIrtHdAY DArLiNg!!! :D

When I count my blessings
I count you twice
Happy Birthday, my darling

You know I love you
And you must know too
That my happiest moments
Are those spent with you

Enjoy your birthday
Indeed, I'll see that you do

When we're together
Or when we're apart
You're first in my thoughts
And first in my heart.

Happy 25tH Birthday darling!! :D

P/S: I lovE yOu
SEMOgA senTiaSa BERaDA dI bAWAh LiNDuNGAn aLLAH sWT daN SEMoGA KECapI seGAla bahAGiA dUnIAwi DAn SyuRgawi SAyaNg..


  1. happy besday bro..
    same date with my cousin..

    all the best to u bro..

  2. happy 25th birthday d**ling!! oppsss silap darling heheh jgn marah, gurau2 je ninie

    pada kesayangan buah hati, pengarang jantung ninie, semoga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki.. =)

  3. oooo ini yang ditunggu malam tadi yer

    happy birthday...to your darling

  4. heheh mane adiah..?
    alaahaii nak tengoookkk!!

  5. To Ninie's lover... semoga berkat kehidupan di dunia, dimurahkan rezeki, dipanjangkan usia, hidup dalam limpahan kasih sayang & keredhaan ILahi dan semoga memperolehi pengampunan & pelepasan dpd api neraka di akhirat nanti...

    To ninie & eskandar... moga bahagia selalu 7 berkekalan. aminnn

  6. hepi besday to ninie lover...

    walaupon aku x kenal ninie lover.. ninie tethap menjadi pojaaan hatiku... hahahaha...

  7. tO aLL KAwaN2 semUA yanG wish..:)
    mR.b UCApKAn BAnyaK2 tERIma KASIh ATas doa2 kALian semUA..:)


    PEaCE 23 OCT 2009

  8. aaa suwitnyer... hepi bufday!!!!

  9. hehehe~

    Happy birthday buat kekanda mu itu kak~

    kahwin mesti jemput daku~

  10. nk wish gak ley???
    hepi bday..
    bile nk kawen ni??

  11. insyallah syg benida n little zara..:)

    kalau kawen mesti jemput kalian semua tau...;D


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