Buat SuAmI..

When we first met, I fell in love with you. I knew right then you were the only one for me. As time goes by, our love grows stronger still. You're the most amazing man I ever knew. The place I want to be is close to you. There’s ecstasy and peace in your embrace. I know that I can cope with what life brings as long as I wake up to see your face.Thank you my treasured and cherished love. Your loving and caring have made our marriage a blissful adventure of two! Thanks Love.

together forever til jannah

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

♥SoPhea AdriANNa♥

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

♥sOpHEA aLEESya♥

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
bila tiada yang baik untuk diucapkan.
maka diamlah.
itu lebih baik dari bicara yang sia-sia.

sama seperti berbicara,
bila tiada yang bermanfaat dan berfaedah untuk ditulis dan dikongsikan,
maka diamkanlah jemarimu.
sepi dari catatan.
itu lebih baik daripada menulis perkara yang sia-sia.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

..Im ClOSiNg My BlOg..

''…aku menulis bukan sebab aku nak create dunia fantasy.aku jot down everything yang aku nak share dengan orang lain tentang apa yang aku tau.aku tak banyak ilmu.tapi aku cuma tau kisah hidup~aku,family aku,kengkawan aku,orang keliling aku.dunia nie classroom yang paling besar dengan God sebagai Teacher the Almighty.aku banyak belajar dengan tu.aku tak pandai tulis bahasa bunga-bunga untuk harukan hati orang.aku just tulis apa yang aku rasa dan nak orang rasa.tp macam kata kawan aku ’everything needs commercial value and attraction force’.maka aku pun draw je cerita tu ikut taste org yg nak baca,tapi dengan core yg aku ada sebagai basic color..’’

Selagi apa sahaja hidup bersama masa,maka selagi itu juga yang hidup itu dewasa bersama usia.Membesar dan belajar dengan pengetahuan dan pengalaman,dari bangku sekolah ke alam kerjaya dan rumahtangga.Membesar dan belajar tentang hidup dan mengenal diri sendiri,dari usia remaja menganjak ke usia dewasa.

Bright side in every sadness…. that its teach us to be more considerate to others.. to put ourself in their shoes.. to strengthen our faith to Allah SWT and to be patient….. and the most of all to teach ourself .. our heart and our mind that everything happened with a reason…. and theres’ always happiness at the end of our journey…… Insya Allah..

Kesombongan macam apakah yang membuat kita merasa lebih baik dari yang lain ?
Sedarilah betapa banyak orang yang telah mengorbankan segala sesuatu demi kejayaan dan kebahagian kita.Tak selayaknya kita mengabaikan peranan orang lain, dan janganlah menilai seseorang/sesuatu Hanya dari “yang terlihat” saja.

“When you look at love, you're looking into the face of appreciation.”

- Love is Accepting.
- Love is Appreciating.

We don’t always express our love. Love is a feeling and the expression of that feeling is separate. It’s an action. There’s a practical reason we don’t always express our love for another. It’s an issue of TIME. We only have 24 hours in a day (if you make it up that way). If the expression of love was a core ingredient to love, we would have to be stingy with who we loved, because there simply wouldn’t be enough time to demonstrate our love for everyone! If you see the distinction between the feeling and the expression, you can then love endless numbers of people.

And as I've said, part of loving one’s self is accepting (being okay with) who we are. Consequently, we love to the degree we’re happy. While we are unhappy and attending to our fears, we are not loving. The self is always crying out for acceptance. When we deny ourselves that acceptance, life gets twisted. Our attention gets sucked into a void inside ourselves, leaving nothing left to give to another.


p/S: mOod AKu KUrENg BAEk Sket 2 3 aRiNI.. GANGuan DArI "MANgKuk HAyUN" x ABes2..

n iM thInKInG oF cLosiNg My BlOg LAteLy..WuT dO u ThInK??


  1. noooooooooooooooo...jgn la tutup blog nie...honestly,entry2x kat sni,byk bg smangat...

  2. close ur eyes close ur ears..
    but not close the pc.:)

  3. bila rasa hati tu tak besh mmg lah nak tutup blog.. tarik napassssssss.... lepasssss..

    mesti x jadi tutup blog. ekekekeke

  4. jangan layan ulat2 tuh ninie..biorkan jew..kalo ninie..tutup..bermakna..ninie mengaku kalah..

  5. ala..xmo lerr....
    sonok lerr dgr cite akak..

  6. eh..eh..mane kT pnye kOmen??xda ker?wawaa..msti internet pnye psL..xlepas nie..

    Kak ninie..
    U need be stroG..peduLikan kata2 lalat tue..

    bak kata kak ninie..kT xleh mGaku klah..doraG akan gmbira bila kT jtuh tsuGkur ..

    ChayOk..chayOk..!! ^_^

  7. sis, jgnlah ttup blog kamoo ye.
    plis. i will miss u. igt,planduk dua srupa mcm cousin sy! hehe:)

  8. la..nape nak close?jangan2.keep on blogging ok?


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