Buat SuAmI..

When we first met, I fell in love with you. I knew right then you were the only one for me. As time goes by, our love grows stronger still. You're the most amazing man I ever knew. The place I want to be is close to you. There’s ecstasy and peace in your embrace. I know that I can cope with what life brings as long as I wake up to see your face.Thank you my treasured and cherished love. Your loving and caring have made our marriage a blissful adventure of two! Thanks Love.

together forever til jannah

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

♥SoPhea AdriANNa♥

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

♥sOpHEA aLEESya♥

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
bila tiada yang baik untuk diucapkan.
maka diamlah.
itu lebih baik dari bicara yang sia-sia.

sama seperti berbicara,
bila tiada yang bermanfaat dan berfaedah untuk ditulis dan dikongsikan,
maka diamkanlah jemarimu.
sepi dari catatan.
itu lebih baik daripada menulis perkara yang sia-sia.

Friday, July 16, 2010

cAnT TaKE mY eyeS OF the RiNg..;D..TENkIu EncIK TunAnG..

selamat petang semuaaaaaaaaaaa..:)
hehehe..shaye baru punyer waktu nak menulis..hehehe..
bz laa katakan..hehehe..

sambil2 free n tggu nak balik ni kan..melencong jap ke sini..:)
selamat berhujung minggu ye semua..x sabar mau ngedet sama encik tunang...
malam td dinner sama2..
n thanks to kak ngah n abg ngah bg ninie tudung syria...i like it so much..tenkiu bangah..:)
da petang2 ni..rindu plak kat encik tunang yang duk tergelak2 malam td..gembira sgt dia semalam...

one more things settled!!!
alhamdulillah...tahniah encik tunang shayang...;D


I give you this ring
as a promise to you
a promise that I'll be here
and I'll always be true

I promise that I'll hold you
when your day isn't going right
and i will comfort you
through the long cold night

I promise that I'll make you smile
when you feel like dying
I promise that I'll be here
when you feel like crying

I promise that i will guide you
when the future isn't clear
i promise i will be there
to wipe away your every tear

i promise that no matter what
we will make it through
i give you this ring as a promise
A promise that I will always love you.


ni CiNcIn TUnanG kaMi
Di daLAmnYER tERuKIr namA enCiK tUnaNG..:)
dan TArIKh bERsEjaRAH KAMi..


  1. sungguh romantik,
    akk doakan agar hubungan kalian akn kekal hingga kejinjang pelamin dan hingga ke akhir hayat....


  2. congrats dear...cepat2 kawen eh =)

  3. bz tak sempat jengah blog...

    arini baru tau kamu dah selamat bertunang... harap2 tak terlambat nak wish congrats yea...

    moga berkekalan dan selalu dalam redha Ilahi... aminnn

    selamat bertambah2 bahagia

  4. mekaseh kak waniiiiiiiiiiiiiii..:)
    doa2 kakak saya amay bermakan buat kami..nnie pon doakan akak semoga tambah berjaya dlm perniagaan yer..:)

  5. terima kasih puan aina..:)
    insyaallah kak..

  6. hye my rizwan's sweety..:)
    mekaseh sayang..akak pon doakan bhagia buat kamu dan dia ..


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